Más de 15 años de servicio ininterrumpido.

Nuevo Personaje: Gun Crusher

The Mu Empire secretly created the Imperial Order to overcome the situation unfavorable to the attack of the Kundun forces.A healthy boy from an orphan is kidnapped and subjected to severe training.  Fisher, who had a strong gaze, passed the severe training of the Imperial Order,In the course of training, it eventually loses its ego and becomes  an imperial group loyal to the Mu Empire. Fischer, appointed as the Imperial Order-Guncrusher, is ordered to annihilate the monsters as his first mission and heads to Elbeland.

2.  Basic setting

Starting townElbeland
Former namebasic2nd job change3rd job change
Gun CrusherGun BreakerMaster Gunbreaker
Party setGun CrusherRune WizardGrow Lancer

B.  Gun Crusher exclusive skill1.  Dark Plasma

Skill nameDark Plasma
Place of acquisitionElbeland NPC-Marse
Skill descriptionGuncrushers can fire dark plasma at enemy targets or at specific coordinates.
Dark Plasma does not move from its location, and can damage nearby enemies every 0.5 seconds for 
5 seconds.
Main attributeNo property

2.  Ice break

Skill nameIce break
Place of acquisitionElbeland NPC-Marse
Skill descriptionWhen Guncrushers use icebreaks in the direction of an enemy target
, ice is created in the front, dealing damage, and dealing damage to 
broken ice fragments once again.
Main attributeWater properties

3.  Desfire

Skill nameDesfire
Place of acquisitionElbeland NPC-Marse
Skill descriptionGuncrusher shoots forward.
Attacks constantly at a very fast attack speed, dealing damage to enemies in a circular area.
Main attributeFire property

4.  Ice Blast

Skill nameIce Blast
Place of acquisitionElbeland NPC-James (Roudshop)
Skill descriptionGuncrusher attacks all targets around him.
Ice is created where guncrushers fire, dealing damage to enemy targets.
Main attributeWater properties

5.  Busting Flare

Skill nameBursting flare
Place of acquisitionElbeland NPC-James (Roudshop)
Skill descriptionGuncrusher makes a strong attack towards the enemy target, and at the same time, a shock wave is generated around the character.
Inflicts damage to enemies in front, and deals damage to the range of shock waves.
Damage increases further when enemies in front are within the range of the shockwave.
Main attributeFire property

–  [Articles Crasher Skills Profile]  shortcut6.  Exclusive buff skill1)  Exclusive buff skills will be released later. C. Gun Crusher Master Skill Tree1.  Master Skill Tree

 (1)  New options

New optionExplanation
Ice break enhancementSkill attack power increase
Icebreak MasteryIncreases skill attack power, increases damage range by 1 tile
Desfire EnhancementSkill attack power increase, attack speed 10 increase
Despire MasteryIncreases skill attack power, increases use distance and damage range by 1 tile
Dark Plasma EnhancementTarget increase
Dark plasma skillDuration increase
Dark Plasma MasteryIncreases skill attack power, increases damage range by 1 tile
Enhance Magic GunIncreases magic power when equipped with a magic gun
Magic Gun MasteryIncreases the probability of double damage when equipping a magic gun

? When  this server is updated, the configuration will be changed with the addition of buff skill enhancement options. D.  Guncrusher new item1.  Weapon item information1)  General items(1)  Entro horsepower gun

Entro Magic Gun
offense power75 ~ 86
Need power20
Need agility
Additional optionsAdditional Magical Power +4, +8, +12, +16
Excellent option
Excellent Damage Probability 10%
Magic Power by 1 per level 20
Magic Power Increase 2%  Attack (Magical) Speed ??Increase + 7
Obtained when a monster is killed (Life/8) Obtained
when a monster is killed (Mana/8)

 (2)  Frere Magic Gun

Frere Magic Gun
offense power116 to 118
Need power307
Need agility194
Energy required455
Additional optionsAdditional Magical Power +4, +8, +12, +16
Excellent option
Excellent Damage Probability 10%
Magic Power by 1 per level 20
Magic Power Increase 2%  Attack (Magical) Speed ??Increase + 7
Obtained when a monster is killed (Life/8) Obtained
when a monster is killed (Mana/8)

 2)  Archangel’s absolute weapon(1)  Archangel’s absolute magic gun

Archangel’s Absolute Magic Gun
offense power223 ~ 235
Need power129
Need agility54
Energy required219
Additional optionsAdditional Magical Power +4, +8, +12, +16
Excellent option
Excellent Damage Probability 10%
Magic Power by 1 per level 20
Magic Power Increase 2%  Attack (Magical) Speed ??Increase + 7
Obtained when a monster is killed (Life/8) Obtained
when a monster is killed (Mana/8)

2.  Armor item information1)  General items (1)  Frere set

Frere set
divisionFrere helmetFrere armorFrere pantsFrere glovesFrere boots
Need power212218206200194
Need agility134140128122116
Energy required316324308300292
Excellent option
Increases maximum life by 4% Increases
maximum mana by 4%
Damage decreases by 4%
Damage 5% Reflects
defense success rate increases by 10%
Obtained when a monster is killed Increases Zen by 30%
Set options
Burning set 1  (helmet / armor / pants / boots)Falcon set 2  (helmet / armor / pants / gloves)
2 set optionsDefense Increase + 253 sets optionsDouble Damage Rate + 10%4 set optionsSkill Damage Increase + 20Critical Damage Rate Increase + 15%Excellent Damage Rate Increase + 15%Critical Damage Increase + 20Excellent Damage Increase + 202 set optionsSkill Damage Increase + 153 sets optionsIncrease Magic + 15%4 set optionsDouble Damage Chance + 10%Increase Minimum Attack +20Maximum Attack Power +30Ignore enemy defense + 5%

(2)  Renewal armor items?  Guncrusher can use leather gunner, scale gunner, round gunner armor set. 2)  Mastery items(1)  Blood Angel Set

Blood Angel Gun Crusher Set (Wear Level: 400)
divisionBlood Angels 
Articles Crasher helmet
Blood Angels 
Articles Armor Crasher
Blood Angel 
Guncrusher Pants
Blood Angel 
Guncrusher Boots
Need power324335314293
Need agility272282261240
Energy required804818790762
Excellent option
Damage 5% Reflection
Defense Success Rate 10% Increase
Max Life Increase 165
Max Mana Increase 165
Damage Decrease 45
Zen obtained when killing a monster Increases by 42 %
Set options
Mastery set options
2 Set Option 
Skill Damage Increase 25
Energy Increase 50
3 Set Option 
Double Damage Rate 10%
Magic Power Increase 50
4 Set Option 
Critical Damage Rate Increase 15%
Excellent Damage Rate Increase 15%
Ignore Enemy Defense 5%
All Stats Increase 10
Basic Defense Increase 20
Critical Damage Increase 30
Excellent Damage Increase 30